ONE October-December 2020

In questo numero sono presenti i seguenti articoli: Sorry for raising the bar too high, Big in Japan, Partying with CO2, Kelenföld, What is environmental racism?, ...


In questo numero sono presenti i seguenti articoli:

Sorry for raising the bar too high (ONE Editor)

“I don’t think science knows” – Donald Trump’s response to a scientist’s suggestion that climate change had a crucial role in this August’s West Coast...

Big in Japan (Toby Lockwood (ONE Team))

Japan’s energy policy made headlines in July, when the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced plans to phase out older, inefficient coal plants, along...

Partying with CO2 (ONE Team)

Do you fall for fall celebrations? Do they evoke fond memories? Do you look forward to goblins and other Halloween trick-or-treaters and even gobbling up...

Kelenföld (ONE Team)

Hidden in Budapest’s 9th district lies the Kelenföld Power Station. Built in 1912, after few years it became Hungary’s largest coal power plant and one...

What is environmental racism? (Word Economic Forum)

Poisoned tap water in Flint, Michigan. Toxic waste dumps in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. A town in China where 80% of children have been...

The big Muddy River’s long, turbulent relationship with coal (Susan Cosier)

Southern Illinois has been coal country for quite some time. Men first mined coal there in 1810, when they took the black rock from outcroppings...

These African World Heritage Sites are under threat from climate change (The Conversation)

Very few academics or policy makers are talking about the impact of climate change on heritage. Yet heritage is essential for social wellbeing, for identity...

Why green energy finally makes economic sense (Knowable Magazine)

Renewable energy experts have long hoped that solar and wind power would someday become the cheapest way to generate electricity, allowing the world to shift...

South Korea subsidizing biomass so heavily that wind and solar are being crowded out of the market (Mongabay)

The government of South Korea is subsidizing the development of biomass power so heavily that it’s hindering the adoption of renewable energy technologies like solar...




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09/12/2024, 17:37