ONE October-December 2016

In questo numero sono presenti i seguenti articoli: What is the EU doing about truck CO2 emissions?, A Test of U.S. Climate Leadership Will Be How We Treat the Standing Rock Sioux, ...


In questo numero sono presenti i seguenti articoli:

What is the EU doing about truck CO2 emissions? (Euractiv Eu)

The European Commission is expected to propose a new method for measuring trucks’ CO2 emissions this summer, marking the EU’s first step towards regulating carbon...

A Test of U.S. Climate Leadership Will Be How We Treat the Standing Rock Sioux (Mark Trahant)

My ears perked up when I heard that Hillary Clinton was giving a speech on American Exceptionalism. I cringe every time this is a topic;...

Congo: its past, present and link to Hiroshima (Talking Humanities)

On 6 August – Hiroshima Day – I participated in a groundbreaking event at the South African Museum in Cape Town entitled ‘The Missing Link:...

Molentargius (ONE Team)

Molentargius is the Sardinian word for “donkeys handlers”, as the salt extracted was carried by mules. The salt industry was the richest in the Cagliari...

Climate change pledges not nearly enough to save tropical ecosystems (Jeremy Hance)

The Paris Agreement marked the biggest political milestone to combat climate change since scientists first introduced us in the late 1980s to perhaps humanity’s greatest...

The hidden virtues of environmental taxes (Eusebio Loria (ONE Team))

Economic instruments for pollution control and natural resource management are an increasingly important part of environmental policies in the EU Member States. The range of...

Is there a way back for CCS in the UK? (Toby Lockwood (ONE Team))

The development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) suffered a surprise blow last November when the United Kingdom’s widely admired ‘CCS Commercialisation Competition’ was quietly...

Welcome to Greendia (Alice Masili (ONE team))

In medio stat virtus. Sure, when we look at the BRICS, virtue stands in the middle. The “I” of India has gradually increased its profile,...

Just One Degree (ONE Team)

Colder springs and summers. Excessive rainfall. Late spring and early frosts. Years without summers. Crop failures. Starvation. Increased Poverty. Pestilence and Plagues. Mass Death. Fear....

Africa’s alternative route to climate adaptation (Jez Abbott (ONE team))

A recently launched World Bank plan sets out what is needed to boost both climate resilience and low-carbon development to protect growth and fight poverty...

The number one thing we can do to protect earth’s oceans (Liza Gross)

May 23, 2016 — When New England fishers complained of working harder and harder to catch fewer and fewer fish, Spencer Baird assembled a scientific...




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10/01/2023, 11:47