11th CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2016

San Servolo Island, Venice (Italy), May 9-11 2016. CO2GeoNet has held in Venice (San Servolo Island) on 9-11 May 2016 its 11° Open Forum "Increasing momentum for CO2 Storage".

11th CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2016
11th CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2016  


San Servolo Island, Venice (Italy), May 9-11 2016

CO2GeoNet has held in Venice (San Servolo Island) on 9-11 May 2016 its 11° Open Forum "Increasing momentum for CO2 Storage".

COP 21 in Paris resulted in an important agreement to keep the global temperature rise well below 2°C. This target requires an unprecedented level of effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next few decades before 2050. The Open Forum focus has been on the future of CCS and in particular on the role CO2 storage will play in hitting crucial low carbon targets.

Topics included the role of CCS in national roadmaps and regional implementation plans for a low carbon future; embedding CO2 utilisation in the low-carbon portfolio; and competition for pore space in the subsurface.

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ore 11:12 - Inizio evento

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09/01/2023, 12:05