Electrical System Research

The Electrical System Research is the research and development activity aimed at technical and technological innovation of general interest for the electricity sector financed through one of the items listed on the electricity bills (item A5).

Electrical System Research
Electrical System Research  

National Electricity System Research is a programme that includes a set of research and development activities aimed at reducing the cost of electricity for end users, improving system reliability and service quality, reducing the impact of the electricity system on the environment and health, enabling the rational use of energy resources and ensuring that the country has the conditions for sustainable development.

With the liberalisation of the electricity market, which originated in Italy with Legislative Decree No. 79/99

(implementing Directive 96/92/EC), the inclusion of ‘costs relating to research and development activities aimed at technical and technological innovation of general interest for the electricity sector’ was established as part of the general charges pertaining to the electricity system.

This integration meets the need for continuity in the support of electricity research (especially basic research). The activities of the Electrical System Research are, on the one hand, benefiting the system user and, on the other, benefiting players in the national or international electricity sector.

The costs of research are covered through allocations from “Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività di ricercar e di sviluppo di interesse generale per il sistema elettrico nazionale” (Fund for the financing of research and development activities of general interest for the national electricity system – known as Conto), instituted by Cassa per i servizi energetici ambientali (Energy and Environmental Services Fund – known as CSEA) and financed by the revenue from the A5 tariff component, in the amount periodically established by the Authority for Electricity, Gas and the Water System (AEEGSI), currently equal to approximately 0.028 eurocents per kWh.

Research and development activities, objectives and financial allocations are defined through three-year plans approved by Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica (Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security – known as MASE), once the comments from a public consultation have been obtained.

To implement the research activities defined in the three-year plans, the MASE enters into a programme agreement (PPA) with the three entrusted entities RSE, ENEA and CNR, and provides for the participation of other research entities.

Piano Triennale 2022-2024

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06/11/2024, 12:03