Sotacarbo-NETL: 3 more years on hydrogen and green fuels
On November 9, 2021 Società Tecnologie Avanzate Low Carbon S.p.A. (Sotacarbo) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) signed an amendment and extension
12 November 2021
On November 9, 2021 Società Tecnologie Avanzate Low Carbon S.p.A. (Sotacarbo) and the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) signed an amendment and extension to the CRADA that was originally signed by both parties in June of 2018.
The amendment addresses changing issues in the energy world such as the facilitation of clean energy and meeting climate goals.
The main amendment to the CRADA addresses the production of “clean” hydrogen from mixtures of biomass, waste plastics, MSW, and other waste materials.
The CRADA was also extended an additional three years and will now run through June 2026.
The CRADA was signed by Mario Porcu, President Sotacarbo and Brian J. Anderson, Ph.D., Director NETL.
Last update
09/12/2024, 17:37