Researchers out in the field to heal the planet’s future

Sotacarbo’s appointment with Science Week and European Researchers’ Night is once again renewed this year: events, lectures and workshops to bring the world of science closer to citizens.

26 September 2024

Researchers out in the field to heal the planet’s future
Researchers out in the field to heal the planet’s future  

Since 2005, when the European Commission launched Science Week and European Reseachers’ Night, science and research have been celebrated across Europe with a series of events and activities scattered throughout the continent. These initiatives aim to bring the general public into close contact with the world of researchers, who are committed everyday to creating innovations and finding solutions to the challenges of our time. The main goal is to reduce the gap between the scientific community and the general public by making research accessible and understandable to all. Special attention is paid to the youth to stimulate their interest in careers in the field of science and technology, but also to create awareness of environmental and energy issues, towards a more sustainable future.

The week culminates with European Researchers’ Night, which this year will be held on September 27th. During this special evening, thousands of researchers engage with the public all over Europe with open events, scientific demonstrations and interactive activities. The initiative, funded under the European Horizon 2020 programme, aims to reveal the human side of science by introducing the people behind the discoveries and encouraging a direct dialogue between researchers and citizens.

Since 2015, Sotacarbo has been participating in this initiative in collaboration with Frascati Scienza. Over the years, numerous events, workshops and meetings have been organized featuring Sotacarbo’s researchers, who are engaged in the dissemination of topics such as sustainability and energy. These events have actively involved students and citizens of Carbonia and neighbouring cities, always evoking great interest and participation.

This year’s Science Week will take place from September 21st to September 28th, 2024. Sotacarbo has joined project LEAF (acronym for ‘heaL thE plAnet’s Future’), promoted by Frascati Scienza, with the aim of stimulating debate on the topics of carbon footprint, energy saving and energy efficiency. In particular, workshops will be held in some high schools in Carbonia, where students will be able to reflect and discuss with our researchers on how our daily choices influence our carbon and ecological footprint with the “Sustainable Steps” (Passi Sostenibili) workshop, and on the importance of energy efficiency through the creation of their “Sota Energy House”, namely a model of a house that is as efficient as possible from the viewpoint of energy efficiency. LDessì

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Last update

06/11/2024, 12:03