Research and innovation Sotacarbo at the Sulcis Iglesiente fair

On the weekend of June 8th and 9th the exhibition fair of local excellence was held in Carbonia. An opportunity to showcase Sotacarbo research activities.

10 June 2024

Research and innovation Sotacarbo at the Sulcis Iglesiente fair
Research and innovation Sotacarbo at the Sulcis Iglesiente fair  

The 18th edition of the Craftsmanship, Agri-food and Tourism fair “Il Sulcis Iglesiente Espone” concluded successfully. The event, organized by Consorzio Fieristico Sulcitano with the patronage of the municipality of Carbonia, celebrated the excellences of the territory, attracting a large audience on Saturday June 8th and Sunday June 9th.

Sotacarbo participated in the event with an exhibition space, among the other 280 exhibitors which included companies, organizations and activities representing crafts, food and wine, culture and publishing. Visitors at the stand were able to know about research activities and recent developments on studies regarding the production of e-fuels and green hydrogen and energy efficiency activities.

The occasion was favorable to continue the work of raising awareness among the population on the importance of a sustainable approach to energy resources, an activity that Sotacarbo has been promoting for years in the field of scientific dissemination.

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07/01/2025, 16:02