Project 1.5: High-efficiency buildings for energy transition
The development and optimisation of the portal is planned as part of project 1.5 on high-efficiency buildings for the energy transition, a tool designed to support the process of recovering and improving the efficiency of the building stock through a multi-scale approach, which integrates the perspective of the individual building with the urban and neighbourhood perspective. The aim is to simplify data and information management procedures to make the portal more versatile and easier and more effective for citizens. The project also involves integrating the service with the assessment of the potential for exploiting solar energy on an urban or neighbourhood scale.
AUREE.IT: optimisation and development is the natural continuation of the study carried out by the Sotacarbo-DICAAR-DIMCM-DIEE research group in the previous PTR 2019-2021. This study has led to significant results in the development of a protocol for energy mapping of a small town with medium size (case study on Carbonia), the development and implementation of an energy model at the neighbourhood and urban scale (UBEM) integrated in the portal, which besides being the container of the main results of the project, It is a communication tool for stakeholder involvement and knowledge dissemination. The general aim of the research for the three-year period 2022-2024 is mainly oriented to the refinement of the procedures and contents of the AUREE portal relating to residential building stock and public.