Sotacarbo - Società Tecnologie Avanzate Low Carbon S.p.A. - was established on 2 April 1987, in pursuance of Article 5 of Law 351/85 ‘Norme per la riattivazione del bacino carbonifero del Sulcis’ (Rules for the reactivation of the Sulcis coal basin), to develop innovative and advanced technologies in the use of coal.
Article 5 of Law 351/85 authorised ENI, ENEL and ENEA to establish Sotacarbo SpA in order to develop innovative and advanced technologies in the use of coal.
In 1989, representing Regione Autonoma della Sardegna, E.M.Sa. (Ente Minerario Sardo) became a shareholder of Sotacarbo on equal terms with the founding shareholders.
Since 1999, ENEL and ENI, following their transformation into joint-stock companies, have no longer been shareholders.
The Company's shareholders are currently Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (96%) and ENEA (4%).
In 2004, with the construction of the new Research Centre located at the Grande Miniera di Serbariu (Grat Serbariu Mine) in Carbonia, the company increased its activities in technological innovation, study and experimentation, design of low-carbon industrial plants, and scientific dissemination and awareness-raising on the links between energy choices and the impact on the climate and environment.