Sotacarbo Summer School
Sotacarbo Summer School is an international school held annually by Sotacarbo, in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Cagliari, International Centre for Sustainable Carbon – ICSC and CO2Geonet.
The school is aimed at undergraduates, PhD students and young researchers interested in low carbon and CCUS (capture, reuse and confinement of CO2) technologies, fields with increasing interest due to growing concerns for global warming, a phenomenon that these technologies try to combat.
Over the course of the five-day event topics relating to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, which can be achieved both through the dissemination of renewable energy sources and the introduction of low-carbon technologies in the main industrial applications (especially in the power generation sector), will be explored in depth from a scientific, environmental, economic and legal perspective.
Particular attention is paid to CO2 geological confinement techniques, for which Sulcis represents the perfect laboratory for experimentation: one of the few sites in the world potentially able of storing, with almost no environmental risks, large quantities of carbon dioxide, thanks to the presence of both deep layers of coal (which cannot be mined and is suitable for permanent storing of large quantities of CO2 due to its particular geological characteristics), and an aquifer beneath the coal basin.
Sotacarbo Summer School, which can claim as lecturers the world’s leading experts on the topics of carbon dioxide capture and confinement, is held in English and is open to 40 students and young researchers from all over the world.
The School is founded by the Sardinian Regional Government.