July-September 2019 (ONE)

In this number the following articles are present: In questo numero sono presenti i seguenti articoli: The long road towards a more environmental energy system, If Ebola becomes the norm, ...


The long road towards a more environmental energy system

Imagine that you want to heal the earth from the ravages caused by global climate change. You received diagnostic reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on...

The post The long road towards a more environmental energy system appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

If Ebola becomes the norm

Climate change interferes, directly and indirectly, with a wide variety of diseases by acting as a multiplying force for the diffusion of infectious diseases. Global...

The post If Ebola becomes the norm appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

Defying Dystopia: shaping the climate future we want

We live in an age of dystopias on demand. Whether it’s Black Mirror, The Hunger Games or The Handmaid’s Tale, there is no limit to...

The post Defying Dystopia: shaping the climate future we want appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

How a Japanese system can help African cities adapt to climate change

Sub-Saharan Africa is already experiencing the realities of a changing climate – and the situation is only going to get worse. The reasons for this...

The post How a Japanese system can help African cities adapt to climate change appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

Tech accelerators help Nonprofits fast-track technology aimed at solving environmental challenges

Imagine a solar panel that could pull moisture from the air and create clean drinking water, using only the power of the sun, for hundreds...

The post Tech accelerators help Nonprofits fast-track technology aimed at solving environmental challenges appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

How electrification can supercharge the energy transition

No matter which country you’re in, the energy transition is underway. It is taking slightly different shapes and may progress from different starting points depending...

The post How electrification can supercharge the energy transition appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

Merkel puts contentious CCS technology back on German agenda

Chancellor Angela Merkel called the controversial carbon capture and storage (CCS) a potentially key element for the country’s efforts to tackle climate change. The country...

The post Merkel puts contentious CCS technology back on German agenda appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.

White Bay

White Bay is a significant item of industrial heritage associated with the evolving pattern of power generation in NSW and Australia. It is characteristic of...

The post White Bay appeared first on ONE Only Natural Energy.




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10/12/2024, 11:33