The NETL-Sotacarbo cooperation agreement: innovation, energy and sustainability

An agreement with great potential, which marks a new leap forward for the prospects of Sotacarbo and the research developed in the Research Centre located in the former Serbariu Mine, in

25 July 2018

An agreement with great potential, which marks a new leap forward for the prospects of Sotacarbo and the research developed in the Research Centre located in the former Serbariu Mine, in Carbonia (Sardinia, Italy). The agreement between Sotacarbo and NETL (National Energy Technology Laboratory) was presented at Villa Devoto in Cagliari by the president of the Sardinian Region Francesco Pigliaru together with the president Sotacarbo Alessandro Lanza, Regis Conrad, Director of the NETL Advanced energy systems department and Charles Taylor, NETL Global partnership manager. The collaboration goals are specific and include activities ranging from modeling to simulation models validation, from the improvement of kinetic models on certain fuels to the pre-combustion separation of CO2 through membranes. "We believe that there are many areas of synergy in which both laboratories researchers can learn from each other to improve coal research, which must be included in the context of the low-carbon carbon philosophy, adopted anywhere in Europe, "said Regis Conrad. "Since fossil fuels will be used for decades, during the transition to renewables, it is essential to develop low-emission and high-efficiency technologies that make their use sustainable. Our approach is very pragmatic, and oriented towards a low emission technology that respects the environment ". Sardinian president Francesco Pigliaru underlined the importance of this agreement in a transition phase, which regards both energy and, consequently, Employment: "While we govern the transition towards renewables, we focus on research focused on sustainable energy production, and we do so, as this case demonstrates, by activating international collaborations at the highest level. We live in a period of transition: globalization and technology quickly destroy old jobs, but new ones, those that did not exist before, replace them at a much slower pace. The role of politics today more than ever is to anticipate the future, creating the conditions for the new jobs to be born in the shortest possible time. This commitment centered on innovation and sustainability, which has already opened up new quality jobs and naturally aims to grow, goes in the right direction ". The five-year agreement, from 2018 to 2023, which Sotacarbo has signed with NETL, an institution that is part of the United States Department of Energy's National Research Laboratory System, aims to make this collaboration stable and productive, without the need for additional financing. The agreement with the NETL is an essential step in the history of Sotacarbo, as Alessandro Lanza underlined: "Collaborating with one of the leading institutions of world research, in the field of energy, represents a great recognition but above all a unique opportunity for discussion and growth, not just for the company I represent. An opportunity that we must make the most of ". Media coverage RAI News - TGR Sardegna (24.07.2018) (VIDEO) Sotacarbo, ricerche sull'energia TCS News (24.07.2018) (VIDEO) Serbariu rinasce grazie agli americani Videolina (24.07.2018) (VIDEO) Energia pulita, Sotacarbo nei circuiti mondiali: intesa a stelle e strisce ANSA (24.07.2018) Energia pulita, asse Sardegna-Usa Accordo Nlt-Sotacarbo per rilancio polo ricerca a Serbariu Cagliari Post (24.07.2018) Sotacarbo e NETL, accordo di cinque anni per ricerca e sviluppo Libero (24.07.2018) Ricerca, accordo quinquennale Sotacarbo-Netl. Pigliaru: collaborazione ai massimi livelli per innovazione e sostenibilità (24.07.2018) Ricerca: accordo quinquennale Sotacarbo-Netl Regione Autonoma Sardegna (24.07.2018) (VIDEO) Ricerca, accordo quinquennale Sotacarbo-Netl. Pigliaru: collaborazione ai massimi livelli per innovazione e sostenibilità Nuova Sardegna (25.07.2018) La Nuova Sardegna Unione Sarda (25.07.2018) L'Unione Sarda

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