9th CO2GeoNet Open Forum

San Servolo Island, Venice (Italy), May 20-22, 2014. In Europe, CO2 storage is moving forward and 2014 – 2015 is an important time when many critical decisions about the future of CCS


What is it

San Servolo Island, Venice (Italy), May 20-22, 2014 In Europe, CO2 storage is moving forward and 2014 – 2015 is an important time when many critical decisions about the future of CCS in Europe will be made. The scientific community has much to discuss: during the CO2GeoNet Open Forum recent research advances will be presented to provide a sound basis for discussing key issues and documents regarding the implementation of CO2 geological storage in Europe. The CO2GeoNet Open Forum is a unique opportunity for stakeholders and major players in the CCS arena and wider energy – climate debate to meet and interact directly with Europe's largest group of researchers on CO2 geological storage.  

Dates and times


hours 14:35 - Event start

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Last update

09/12/2024, 17:39