Sotacarbo and UET Lahore to run a joint research programme

Research in sustainable energy technologies needs a multidisciplinary approach and the availability of advanced research infrastructures. This approach is enhanced by collaborations with

26 September 2018

Logo UET Lahore (Pakistan)
Logo UET Lahore (Pakistan)  

Research in sustainable energy technologies needs a multidisciplinary approach and the availability of advanced research infrastructures. This approach is enhanced by collaborations with international partners to share knowledge and infrastructures. To work jointly in advanced research activities Sotacarbo has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) of Lahore, Pakistan. The 5-year collaboration aims to develop advanced technologies for the sustainable energy conversion, with particular reference to carbon dioxide capture and utilisation. Besides, the collaboration will allow research students from UET Lahore to be involved in some innovative activities in the Sotacarbo Research Centre in Carbonia (Sardinia, Italy). Moreover, this MoU will make it easier to ensure the participation of experts from both countries in events organized by the University and the Italian company (including the International Summer School on Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage annually organized by Sotacarbo). The activities within the MoU will be coordinated by Dr. Alberto Pettinau for Sotacarbo and by Prof. Muhammad Farooq for UET Lahore side. APe

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16/05/2023, 16:14