10th European Symposium of Electrochemical Engineering

The conference aims to point out the importance of electrochemistry in offering solutions to the current technological and environmental problems


What is it

Sardinia, Italy, September 28 - October 02, 2014 The conference aims to point out the importance of electrochemistry in offering solutions to the current technological and environmental problems, to highlight its interdisciplinary character and to emphasize the links between fundamental and applied aspects. Topics:
  • ELECTROCHEMICAL REACTORS: Design, characterization, modelling and scale-up; Electrocatalysis
  • INDUSTRIAL ELECTROCHEMISTRY: Electrochemical synthesis; Electrodeposition; Electrowinning and metal recovery
  • ELECTROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Electroseparation processes: Electrochemical remediation of polluted soil, water and wastewater
  • ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY CONVERSION AND STORAGE: Fuel cells and bio-fuel cells, batteries, electrochemical capacitors, electrolyzers
  • CORROSION PROTECTION ENGINEERING: Electrochemical basis and engineering aspects of corrosion and corrosion-wear processes and protection
  • ELECTROCHEMISTRY AT NANOSCALE: Synthesis and characterization of advanced materials
  • GENERAL SECTION: Bio-electrochemical engineering, electro-microbial engineering, photoelectrochemical engineering, sonoelectrochemical engineering, electrochemical sensors and biosensors

Dates and times


hours 13:57 - Event start

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Last update

09/01/2023, 12:18